Category Archives: Insurance Issues

The True Number of Uninsured American

The left is always throwing around the figure that there are “47 million uninsured Americans”. This is a lie, but who is surprised considering the source. Using the figures that they are using, it is clear that the number is a lot lower. Here is the math:

47,000,000 “Uninsured Americans”
– 9,487,000 non citizens
37,513,000 uninsured citizens

– 8,300,000 make between $50,000 and $74,999 per year
– 8,740,000 make more than $75,000 a year.
20,473,000 uninsured citizens making less that $50,000 a year

– 9,212,850 45 percent of uninsured people will be uninsured for less than four months

11,260,150 only 3.75% of the population of the US, not the near 16% according to the left

I personally have no problem paying for the healthcare of children, the elderly, and the disabled, but when I encounter people my age who are perfectly able to work and don’t because they think that everything should be handed to the, it ticks me off!

I think that once a person turns 19, they should be kicked off of Medicaid. The hard working people in this country need to stand up and take a stand. I am sure that most people are tired of their hard earned money going to a bunch of leeches.

I will end with a Reagan quote which will become a regularity,

“Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence. “
Interview, Los Angeles Times (1970-01-07)

Keep it real
Keep it conservative

RW Johnnny